
Workshop on March 17th 2012
(Saturday 13:30 - 18:00 at Meiji University, Tokyo)

Chair: Tetsuya Usui, Associate Professor, College of Law, Nihon University

Speaker: Junhong Wang, Graduate School of Education, Hokkaido University, Ph.D. candidate
"Considering the Cause of Unemployment of Chinese in the Japanese Companies-from the Viewpoint of Intercultural Communication-"
Commentator: Jiro Usugami, Professor, School of Business, Aoyama Gakuin University

Speaker: Mariko Watanabe, Graduate School of Business Administration, Keio University
"Mechanism to Overcome Difficulties of Knowledge Transfer in Global R&D: a Viewpoint of Multilevel Context and Network"
Commentator: Kunio Tadokoro, Professor, Tokyo Campus, MBA program, the University of Wales

Speaker: Toshio Fukuzumi, Representative Director and President of Global Management Laboratory Inc.
"The Excellent Global Company"
Commentator: Misa Fujio, Associate Professor, Faculty of Business Administration, Toyo University
Special Session
Guest Speaker: Tadatoshi Akiba, Professor, Hiroshima University
National Chair, AFS Japan, Former Mayor, City of Hiroshima

"The Role of Cities and Citizens in Creating a Better 21st Century"

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