
Workshop on Nov.17th, 2012
(Saturday 13:30-18:00) at Meiji University

Speaker: Takuya Hayashi, Associate Professor, College of Business Management, J. F. Oberlin University
"Employee Turnover of Japanese Company in Thailand: The Case of Calbee Tanawat Co., Ltd."
Commentator: Takao Yamamoto, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Kanagawa University

Speaker: Jiro Usugami, Professor, School of Business, Aoyama Gakuin University
"Global Business Strategy in Collaboration with Contents Business: A Case Study of South Korea and Japan"
Commentator: Makoto Inoue, Assistant Professor, College of Commerce, Nihon University

Speaker: Tatsuya Kodaira, President, Japan Active Solutions, Co. Ltd.
"The Integration of Heterogeneity and the Role of Line Manager in Organization Management"
Commentator: Atsushi Yashiro, Professor, Department of Business and Commerce, Keio University

Special Session: "The ABC's of Being a Successful Global Leader: Appearance, Behavior and Communication"
Guest Speaker: Hitomi Ohmori, AICI CIM, Representative Director and CEO, Ohmori Method Inc. Association of Image Consultants International Certified Image Master, AICI Past Vice President

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