President's Message

Welcome to Transcultural Management Society!

TMS is an interdisciplinary organization whose purpose is to explore and establish the academic field of transcultural management. It is our firm belief that a close collaboration between the academic and business circles is essential in the effort to find answers to the crucial issue of how individuals and companies can effectively contribute to multicultural environments and to construct a theoretical framework of transcultural management.

It is, therefore, important to distinguish culture-bound factors from economic and business factors and to pursue globally applicable practices or "best practices" while giving due heed to local cultural assets.

The primary arena is international business, but it can also apply to NPOs, educational institutions and others with multicultural backgrounds.

Culture does not simply mean national culture; there are regional, organizational, and individual cultures, too. "Transcultual", therefore, signifies diversity and can produce a synergistic effect. In this spirit, we encourage the active exchange of opinions among members transcending gender, age, nationalities and professional status.

Please join us and let us embark upon the uncharted journey to transcultural management!

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