Early Stage Research (ESR) Session

Transcultural Management Society: The 1st Early Stage Research (ESR) Session (2023)

Date & Time: Thursday, May 18th, 2023, 17:30-20:25 *Online meeting

Time Table:
Speaker: Anzin KATO, PhD candidate, Department of International
Cultural Studies, Graduate School of International Cultural Studies,
Aichi Prefectural University, Japan
Topic: Foreign Engineers' Employment in Japan, Their Communication
Issues and Career Orientation

Commentator: Jusuke IKEGAMI, Professor, Waseda University

Masaharu SUZUKI, Doctoral Program, Graduate School of
Commerce, Waseda University
Topic: Business Model Transfer Through Collaboration Among Overseas
Subsidiaries in a Multinational Company
Commentator: Shinichiro TERASAKI, Associate Professor, Ritsumeikan University

Speaker: Masato YAMADA, DO-BEST Co.Ltd Director (ex-Shiseido.Co.Ltd)
Topic: Risk Management under Crisis (Cool Head & Hot Heart Attitude)

Commentator: Masato MORI, Professor, Toyo University

Speaker: Masahiro MIYAGAWA, Saitama University Graduate School
Economics and Business Administration Dept.
Topic: Japan and German Cross-Cultural Comparison of Automotive Supplier System

Commentator: Yasuro UCHIDA, Professor, University of Hyogo

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