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異文化経営学会第3回ダイバーシティ&ガバナンス(D&G)部会 ご報告
第3回 ダイバーシティ&ガバナンス部会のご報告
異文化経営学会会長 馬越恵美子
ダイバーシティ&ガバナンス部会部会長 松田千恵子
キリンホールディングス 取締役常務執行役員 坪井純子 様
株式会社ボードアドバイザーズ代表取締役社長 佃秀昭 様
名古屋商科大学ビジネススクール 伊藤武彦 教授
The 3rd Diversity & Governance Session Symposium
To the members of Transcultural Management Society
Emiko Magoshi, President, Transcultural Management Society
Chieko Matsuda, Diversity & Governance Session Chair
On Saturday, March 2, 2024, the third meeting of the Diversity & Governance Session (D&G Session) was held. We would like to report that it was a great success, and we deeply thank all the society members for their participation. The symposium was fruitful, with many guests introduced by our members. We appreciate your support.
During the opening session, Ms. Junko Tsuboi, who recently became the Vice President of Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd., shared profound insights based on her own experiences regarding management and human resources. Her talk left a strong impression on the participants. Mr. Hideaki Tsukuda, CEO of Board Advisors Co., Ltd., actively engaged in corporate governance, provided sharp observations on the current state of corporate governance. His insights were highly valuable and well-received by the attendees. We also received a valuable report from Professor Takehiko Ito of Nagoya University Business School, who became a member of our society after his lecture last year on “Considering Diversity from a Management Perspective.” All these contributions significantly enhance our knowledge within the D&G Session. We look forward to more presentations from our society members in the future.
Below are the details of the event:
The 3rd Diversity & Governance Session Symposium
Date: Saturday, March 2, 2024, 13:00–
Location: Held via Zoom
by Junko Tsuboi, Executive Managing Officer at Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd.
by Hideaki Tsukuda, CEO of Board Advisors Co., Ltd.
by Professor Takehiko Ito, Nagoya University Business School
異文化経営学会会長 馬越恵美子
ダイバーシティ&ガバナンス部会部会長 松田千恵子
オープニングには、今年キリンホールディングス株式会社副社長にご就任された坪井純子様に、ご自身の経験を基に本当に深い洞察に満ちた経営と人材に関するお話を頂き、多くの参加者の方々から非常に感銘を受けたとのコメントを頂きました。また、コーポレートガバナンスの第一線でご活躍される株式会社ボードアドバイザーズ代表取締役社長の佃秀昭様からは、コーポレートガバナンスの現状について多くの鋭いご指摘を頂き、大変参考になったと参加者の皆様から大好評でございました。昨年ご講演頂き、そのご縁で本学会会員となられた名古屋商科大学ビジネススクール 教授 伊藤 武彦先生には、昨年のご講演、「マネジメントの観点からダイバーシティを考える」のその後の実践に関しまして、とても貴重なご報告を頂きました。いずれも大変素晴らしい内容で、ダイバーシティ&ガバナンス部会における知見の向上に大きく貢献してくださいました。今後とも多くの学会員の方々のご発表を心よりお待ちいたしております。
また、もうひとつお願いがございます。第二回の英文での報告で、Diversity & Governance Groupという言葉を使っておりますが、すべてDiversity & Governance Sessionに修正頂けますでしょうか。
異文化経営学会会長 馬越恵美子先生13:10〜14:10(40分ご講演+20分質疑応答)
招待講演:「キリンホールディングスのCSV経営と人財戦略」キリンホールディングス 取締役常務執行役員 坪井純子 様
招待講演:「日本のコーポレートガバナンスの現状と課題」株式会社ボードアドバイザーズ代表取締役社長 佃秀昭 様
15:10〜15:20 休憩
会員報告:「ダイバーシティ・サバイバルー女性管理職30%が見えたその先の課題」名古屋商科大学ビジネススクール 伊藤武彦 教授
16:20〜16:30 閉会挨拶
D&G部会座長 松田千恵子The 3rd Diversity & Governance Session Symposium
To the members of Transcultural Management Society
Emiko Magoshi, President, Transcultural Management Society
Chieko Matsuda, Diversity & Governance Session Chair
On Saturday, March 2, 2024, the third meeting of the Diversity & Governance Session (D&G Session) was held. We would like to report that it was a great success, and we deeply thank all the society members for their participation. The symposium was fruitful, with many guests introduced by our members. We appreciate your support.
During the opening session, Ms. Junko Tsuboi, who recently became the Vice President of Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd., shared profound insights based on her own experiences regarding management and human resources. Her talk left a strong impression on the participants. Mr. Hideaki Tsukuda, CEO of Board Advisors Co., Ltd., actively engaged in corporate governance, provided sharp observations on the current state of corporate governance. His insights were highly valuable and well-received by the attendees. We also received a valuable report from Professor Takehiko Ito of Nagoya University Business School, who became a member of our society after his lecture last year on “Considering Diversity from a Management Perspective.” All these contributions significantly enhance our knowledge within the D&G Session. We look forward to more presentations from our society members in the future.
Below are the details of the event:
The 3rd Diversity & Governance Session Symposium
Date: Saturday, March 2, 2024, 13:00–
Location: Held via Zoom
13:00–13:10: Opening remarks
by Emiko Magoshi, President of the Intercultural Management Society13:10–14:10: Invited lecture:
“Kirin Holdings’ CSV Management and Human Resources Strategy”by Junko Tsuboi, Executive Managing Officer at Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd.
14:10–15:10: Invited lecture:
“Current State and Challenges of Corporate Governance in Japan”by Hideaki Tsukuda, CEO of Board Advisors Co., Ltd.
15:10–15:20: Break
15:20–16:20: Member presentation:
“Beyond the Visibility of 30% Female Managers: Challenges in Diversity Survival”by Professor Takehiko Ito, Nagoya University Business School