
The 13th Session of the Kansai Division, Transcultural Management Society

Date & Time: Saturday, September 25, 2021, 14:00-16:45 *Online meeting

MC: Hiroyuki YAMABE, Nara Prefectural University

14:00-14:05 Opening Remarks
Toshiya MURATA, ReloExcel

Speaker: Masayuki FURUSAWA, Kindai University
Topics: A study on the recruitment activities of Japanese companies for international students: Based on a questionnaire survey of the companies
Commentator: An-chun CHENG, Utsunomia University

Speaker: Naotoshi UMENO, Osaka University of Commerce
Topics: CSR activities of the Indian companies, focusing on the companies in the Kerala State
Commentator: Norio SAKURAI, Tokyo International University

16:05-16:10 Closing Remarks
Emiko MAGOSHI, President of the Transcultural Management Society (J. F. Oberlin University)

16:20-16:45 Housekeeping announcement

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